Hostel - The killing Floor
Sony Pictures presents a grisly and gory movie written and directed by Eli Roth,
Hostel A follow up to the 2002 hit movie Cabin Fever, Hostel dives into the depths of reality and horror of the ugly side of human nature, with themes like human trafficking, and sex tourism, leaving viewers in shock at what the world is really like.

Set to be released internationally on the 21st of April, the movie has already received many reviews (1,2,3,4,5), with a few in agreement that Hostel is a movie that's not to be missed, especially for hardcore fans of this genre, but some beg to differ.
Of course, like all gaming fans, I was first attracted by the game, while being shit-scared that the man with the saw will get me, because I didn't have weapons.

Click to play the game.
Hostel A follow up to the 2002 hit movie Cabin Fever, Hostel dives into the depths of reality and horror of the ugly side of human nature, with themes like human trafficking, and sex tourism, leaving viewers in shock at what the world is really like.

Set to be released internationally on the 21st of April, the movie has already received many reviews (1,2,3,4,5), with a few in agreement that Hostel is a movie that's not to be missed, especially for hardcore fans of this genre, but some beg to differ.
... Paxton (Hernandez) and Josh (Richardson) are college buddies backpacking through Europe in search of legal drugs, booze, loose women, and occasionally some sights. The film picks up in Amsterdam as the two are accompanied by Oli (Gudjonsson), an Icelandic drifter who may be the horniest of the three. The men get word of a dream hostel in Bratislava, Slovakia where beautiful women yearn for men – American men. The trio hightail it to Slovakia to find that the hostel does indeed live up to its reputation. Soon people begin to disappear and it becomes evident that something far more sinister is unfolding within the city – human trafficking in the form of a torture chamber for bored, wealthy businessmen who need a “rush.”
Of course, like all gaming fans, I was first attracted by the game, while being shit-scared that the man with the saw will get me, because I didn't have weapons.

Click to play the game.
MSN ReviewsNow, prior to this, I have already done some research of my own on Takashi Miike, and his films, especially Audition (1999), critics have unanimously agreed in a hushed whisper that the film scares the shit out of their living souls, the one and only that lives up to the name of Gore.
" Cabin Fever director Eli Roth offers a finger-chopping, Achilles heel-slashing, blood-soaked, breast-filled variation on The Most Dangerous Game in this sophomore shocker that shifts the focus from goofy humor to squirmy splatter to nerve-shredding effect. To those familiar with the torture-happy films of Takashi Miike (who makes a humorous cameo as a satisfied customer) or the reprehensible horrors of the infamous Guinea Pig or All Night Long series of films, the sadistic concept that drives Hostel may be familiar and even somewhat passé by now. Casual filmgoers looking for a simple shock are in for quite a surprise, though, when they find out just how far Roth is willing to go in order to bring these Asian atrocities to the cozy, MPAA-policed confines of the American multiplex..."
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