Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Hot Tuguh

Addictive video by 1TYM, this guarantees that in 30 seconds you would have mastered the lyrics 'Hot tuguh tuguh hot tuguh tuguh hot' and in 45 seconds you will join them in harmony. :D

Hot Tuguh - 1TYM
Category: Korean, MV

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Damn nostalgic, I played Roseonline as the first MMORPG, so I gave a lot of my life to it, until it reset. I felt equally sad to leave my level 67 soldier to be erased. I took over 600 images to comfort myself. :p I'll post them sometime.

This person is a hawker, then a muse later. *tear*

Nokia L'amour collection Commercial

Category: Nokia L'amour collection, commercial

I've been trying to find the audio for this commercial, but came up with a blank. Only clue I have is that it might be imogen heap's vocals. In which case, it was never released, because I can't find a mention of it anywhere. Anybody knows? Please tell me.

Lost UK Commercial

I love lost, and I can't wait to watch the next season that will begin screening sometime soon in singapore. This vid is an artistic interstitial for Lost season 2 shown in UK. I just fell in love with the execution style of it.

Category: Lost, interstitial

The Penis Game.

Good Lord, who would have thought the Penis was such a fun subject for games. To explain the Penis Game, it is actually saying the word 'Penis' louder than the other person who said it. The one who can't match up and be louder in volume, either physically unable to, or by embarrassment, whatever, loses. Click the play button to see a group of guys play it in a restaurant. XD (via College Humour)

Another method to play the Penis game in a forum, is to (Lol) take popular movie titles and switch a word with 'Penis'. Ha!

Well, since tomorrow I'll be going to watch the horror/slasher movie Hills have Eyes..

'Hills have Penises'

(of course, it would be plural, in this case.)

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Brad Sucks

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Either this guy is one hell of a humble bread, or has the self esteem of a sewer rat. Claiming to be a one-man band with no fans, Brad sucks is a tasty treat for people who like rooting for new and independent songwriters/bands. There is a sample song named Making me Nervous. This is included in his site as well, but I'm a sucker for planting stuffs in my blog.

He has made a new Album titled 'I don't know what I'm doing', which was funded by the people who donated and paid for his music. Way to go~ The entire CD is available for free on his site as well. Click. Or if you're feeling generous and kind, buy his album at US 10 bucks, or Sing dollars at around twice the price.

Baby Art - Trevor Brown (Mature themes)

Not suitable for Minors:

Trevor Brown, a freelance designer/illustrator from London displays his artworks that depict Baby Dolls that aren't quite as innocent as they might seem. Disturbing and dark themes, his artworks go into touchy subjects like necro porno, religions, torture and abuse, and terrorism.

Images via BabyArt

Nevertheless, they are still beautiful, in a haunting and lonely manner. Nature of these themes are enough to warrant a M21 rating, but do check it out if you feel you're up for it.

Max Weber's Pit

From the site of Max Weber comes a very interesting point-and-click interactive, where you can move around and enjoy mini surprises.

Purple Pussy

Seemingly cutesy kitty that spews vulgarity and evil thoughts. Aww.

One of the archive pages of the webcomic Purple Pussy, this is certainly amusing and enjoyable. For mature readers at least. Violence, adult themes and vulgarity included. .

Tiny Grow

Cute game from japanese site Just play with it. Addictive and cute.

Find it too small? Click here.

Another similar game, if you like plant growing and such games is the 'Seeds of Imagination'. From the idea of making plants grow faster by talking to them, this game allows you to create interesting looking plants and flowers depending on what you tell the plant. When you are done and happy with it, you can have another seed to grow and let it be yet another member of your garden.

Of course, you would need to register first. Decent site, relaxing for once-in-a-while dropby to do up a flower or two. :)